
Showing posts from September, 2024


  You enter my thoughts   Like robbing a bank   A calamity  Our meeting  Like fate wasn’t even paying attention  She never looked up from her phone  We weren’t supposed to meet  Nothing good came of it  Yet your memory sticks to me  Like ink on a white shirt  Spreading all over me  Until I’m ruined  the only beauty I see is hope  That my real love is grabbing his keys Right now somewhere  Headed out the door to meet me  Even if it’s not today  Right now  And like a bank robber  I take back every thing you’d thought you stole  Knowing the space I take up  Is just enough  And I never needed an I’m Sorry 


  Haunted desert   Barren tree  Whatever I do You won’t come back to me  Smoking and drinking  Just to have some company  Just me and these memories  Of what used to be  Bleeding out my emotions  Spilling onto the sidewalk  Just to be stepped over Because no one really knows How it all goes  Alone in this night  Thinking of you  Covered in dust  Thirsty for dew 

Maybe Someday

  Maybe someday   You’ll roll me up  And smoke me  Like your holy marijuana  I’ll make my way through your body  Make my way out your lungs  A part of me will remain in your bones  We’ve always felt like home  No other place I’d rather be  When your blue eyes  They looking at me  So roll me up  And smoke me in  Let me have my way with you 


  We lasted as long as   A cigarette burns down to ash  Went about as far as A car with no gas  Yet I hold onto your ghost  Cloaked in the smoke  Lingering in the air  Til I choke  Left wounded  Slowly mending  With a hole the size of Texas in my heart 

Shit Marfa Taught Me:a memoir by James Ludeau

 I have written a memoir about my trips to Marfa Texas and how the desert energy changed me and helped me to heal from a traumatic past. It’s a journey through the high desert landscape and my emotional landscape. Check it out on Amazon if you’re interested! I will launch it from Marfa on Oct 13th 2024