
Showing posts from August, 2015

I Could Read You In Braille (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you sent me flowers for breaking your heart you hugged me tighter for blowing it apart so let's light this spark strike the match i adore you i do pure and simple no filters like wine on my lips the movement of your hips drunk on you i started living dip my toes into your waters i'm whole again free of sin cleansed i've been baptized by your love i adore you naked and exposed baby i cry out for you sometimes i'm scared of showing my hand but i remember it's not a game with you my soldier armed with weapons you protect what i treasure the most and my heart belongs to you even when i push you away i'm secretly begging you to stay i adore you i love lying next to you i could do this for eternity you and me meant to be vulnerable confident you make me feel you make it all real i adore you lost in your smile i could read you in braille

Falling Free (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i'm falling free the clouds between my legs the ether dissolving sinking crashing through walls so well constructed i never imagined they'd fall crumbling your smile is like the sun piercing the dark full of promise relief release it gives me life this attraction i can't fight it so i close my eyes and give in and continue my fall i feel like a feather floating carried beneath the winds of change i'm falling i've fallen free

4 Years:You and I (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

4 years and many miles later and we are still hanging on that connection we made so many summer nights ago still glows your smile shames the sun for me you hung the moon you're a dream i never want to wake from you taste like rum when you kiss me and i just wanna be your lime together you and I you make me want things i didn't even know i needed can't help but smile