
Showing posts from August, 2021

Petit Mort

Sex with you  Like a funeral procession  Snaking its way through the Quarter  Heavy  Mournful  Hallow  Black I died so many times  Just trying to show you how happy you could be But you never chose me Petit mort  Then finished  Left me to mop up the mess  Flowers strewn Music swelling through the air Death March  On a path to lay it to rest  But like Jesus it resurrected so many times  Was always a safe bet We’d keep our dicks wet  Holes were filled  Souls empty  Treacherous ground Two twisted souls  Witchery  Traps lay in wait  Footsteps on cobblestones  The night black as death  Seeping in  To do us in  Flesh collapsed on flesh  Heaving  Thrusting  A lustful pile  Until we were exhausted  Burned through it all  Even the lust evaporated  Into clouds that brought the torrent  Like holy water it fell  Flooding every surface  To wash the sins away  Yet somehow we were reborn  Time and time again  Through centuries of time  A karmic explosion  I’ve prayed for death  The death of us  To er