
Showing posts from January, 2015

Living For Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

met you at a time when i was down and your lips brought me to heaven our love was my church sang our hymnal Lord lifted me up fired your shot into my heart the devil lapped at my feet but i kicked him away cast away his bitterness closed my eyes and like music our loved carried me above the clouds prayers rained down on me redemption for my wicked ways i felt delivered saved baptized swam through the waters of you i felt like a stronger man wiser with each step before you i had been treated with such disrespect but now i'm born again never going to give up this fight this journey love, lifting me up my hands in the air my head bowed yet i retain my crown still king of my kingdom i'll save my own damn self in the end never needed the role of victim not relying on you to save me just love me no desire to bear the stigmata not looking to fix what's broken in you i will love it all until we both mend your words take me to heaven i feel like

My Course in Geology (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the geologist digging for treasure cracking open geodes seeking beauty stumbled upon me said i was your King and now you want your freedom that's not how history has written this story we've both come from south of the border consumed in sin i wanna bring you to your new destination where you can live out the rest of your days see your clever game tried to get the best of me but you didn't know the rest of me i'm stronger with each blow this crown fixed upon my head i refuse to give in laugh at your tears Heartbreak City is where you belong singing your song won't win me back you lack what i need filled with greed stealing my time and soul won't fall into that hole like Alice i won't be lost i'm boss your loss game over for you

Rebel Yell (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

traveled this world mostly alone my eyes and ears open my heart closed i built walls strong and high at the end of the day nothing lasts everything crumbles into dust erodes when i met your it was like fireworks against a blue black sky at times it feels that we are speeding toward our destruction apocalyptic the warning signs are everywhere but it's something i just must do if it kills me i can at least say i loved you once and forever bury myself beneath the hurt from beneath the rubble comes my rebel yell