Living For Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

met you at a time when i was down
and your lips brought me to heaven
our love was my church
sang our hymnal
Lord lifted me up
fired your shot into my heart
the devil lapped at my feet
but i kicked him away
cast away his bitterness
closed my eyes
and like music our loved carried me above the clouds
prayers rained down on me
redemption for my wicked ways
i felt delivered
swam through the waters of you
i felt like a stronger man
wiser with each step
before you i had been treated with such disrespect
but now i'm born again
never going to give up this fight
this journey
love, lifting me up
my hands in the air
my head bowed
yet i retain my crown
still king of my kingdom
i'll save my own damn self in the end
never needed the role of victim
not relying on you to save me
just love me
no desire to bear the stigmata
not looking to fix what's broken in you
i will love it all
until we both mend
your words take me to heaven
i feel like dancing in church
saving my soul
lifting my spirit up up up
crosses on my arm and my chest
i've been branded
i believe in love
no matter what
come what may
i won't stray
i'm living for love


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