A Prayer from a Lake (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

make me an instrument of Your peace
That i may find it within myself
and also seek it out in others
Grant me clarity so that i may see the tasks and challenges at hand
Instill faith in my soul
so that i may know that in the times that i am walking through my grief that i am not alone
Give me the wisdom to lay down my burdens that are too heavy for my walk
Give me courage to let go of things that are unhealthy for me and have weighed me down in the past
let them fall away so that i may emerge with wings to soar
Let me know my purpose
Let me not make excuses
Render me deaf to the critics
and fill me with forgiveness
Let my spirit be cleansed so that i may begin anew
Let me see my mistakes with clear eyes
and take those lessons with me into the future so that i may learn from what did not work for me in the past
Let me distinguish the difference from the voice of soul and my ego so that may go forth with good intentions
Give me strength to do my work
Let me be a wiser man
a move evolved version of my former self
Let me wake each day with a heart full of gratitude
and protect me from losing my wonderment
I ask these things of myself
I ask that You guide me
And give me only the things that i need to fulfill my destiny


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