Ghosts I Knew

In the wind blew 
Ghosts I knew 
To disturb the dust of my comfort 
Kicked up 
I wish you would come pick me up 
Take me out 
Fuck me up 
Steal my records 
Fuck all my friends 
They’re all full of shit 
With a smile on your face 
Then do it all again 
This longing 
To do anything 
To run 
Burn it all down 
Tear it all apart 
These ghosts live deep inside of me 
Times and people 
Things that fucked me in the head 
Things that fucked me in my bed 
Equally haunting 
Leaves me feeling spent and dirty 
Covered in shame 
Like mud 
A gritty muck that sticks to my soul 
Thick and disconcerting 
Dancing for rain that never falls 
Until my boots are worn thin like my patience 
Just Empty skies 
Just Empty cries 
Hell if I know 
Just ghosts frozen in place 
Can never take your place 
And you know you want someone back 
When you’d be willing to even take just the hurt
It hurt 
Your leaving 
The space you needed to find 
Formed a desert between us 
And these ghosts fill my days 
Rendezvous at night 
Just to remind me in whispers 
Of what I had 
That slipped from my hands like sand 
No matter how I tried to grip 
Never could hold on 
Yet my heart still beats 


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