
Showing posts from October, 2021

Chasing Wild Horses

  Loving you   Like chasing wild horses  I can see your tracks ahead in the distance  Taunting me  While all I get is desert dust  Suffocating my lungs  Achy, tired legs  Too fatigued to carry on  This longing to throw my arms around your neck Met with bucking and screams for freedom  Yet you circle back  Wanting the love that escapes in pursuit of you  Free spirits roam the desert  Secretly wishing to be petted  But not be tamed  It’s a feathery dance  One of wanting to be loved  And another part an exigency to run  Like a witch in the desert  Begging you to come to me  Conjuring your love  Casting spells at the heavens Falling on the desert like rain   Incantations of unrequited love  Vibrate the arid ground beneath my spirit If I could melt your heart  We’d never be apart  I cry out into an empty, glacial vastness  Levitating above this desert tundra  I tread tirelessly in pursuit of someone  I may never acquire  I’ll exhaust    my power until it is no more  Lying like dust again on

Desert Glory

  The full moon brought you in   Floated on the winds of destiny  Earth and sky meeting  Soil meeting deluge  A magical, witchy dance  Forces meant to be joined  Azure and sepia  Seeping into my dna  Like the bones of my ancestors  Haunted  Guided  Portugal to Australia  Crossing the Pacific  All the way across the USA  Blazing a trail through the desert southwest  To land in the swamp  Under a full moon, ceremony  A prophesized convocation  A consolidated coven  There’s power in 3’s  Earth, sky and time  Father, son and Holy Spirit  A covalent bond  Unbroken  To stand the test of time 

Sky Kisses Earth

  Where sky kisses     earth   Brown gives  into blue  The jump off  Beautiful divide  It’s where the holiness resides  The sacred roams  It’s in this realm that healing takes place  Where the veil between this world and the next vaporizes  It’s that inner voice  The intuition that nudges you in the right way  It’s Santa Fe (Holy Faith)  It’s where I feel my ancestors’ bones  Where their spirits share wisdom  It’s just loud enough  And just quiet enough  If you can sit in stillness you’ll hear it  It vibrates your sacral chakra  Opens your third eye  It’s where we connect  Past and present  We are all connected It’s the ghosts that still walk  Still speak  They reach out to us  Their wishes land on us with the wind Teaching us that we all go on forever  We just change forms  Embrace it  For one day soon we will all be dust  Blowing around 

All The Earth Is A Grave

  weren’t even out of the woods   Before the arrows pierced my back  Searing through my flesh  Splintered ribs  Collapsed lung  Had such high hopes for us  And here I am now gasping for existence  Stubborn as ever  I refused to expire in such a foreign terrain  Hallucinated to the desert  And let the dirt seal my wounds  I healed from the inside out Buried beneath the sands  Centuries passed  Until I rose   the great Phoenix  A new    life  New breath  New form  Pestilential dust once flesh and bone  Rising from my wings to reintroduce me  Yet my scars remained to teach me  That perfection is not the desire  Survival is  I conjured up rain  clouds pregnant with deluge  Emptied their contents  Onto parched earth  In an instant the entire landscape morphed  I opened my mouth  Wet my throat  Gave life to my lungs again  Akin to a sponge  Absorbing the change in my form  Raised my hands to the sky  As thunder poured out of my palms  Lightning placidly falling to earth  Evaporating haste  U


 Sometimes I feel like I am made of Adobe. That my whole existence is plastered together with mud and water and I’ve come to form by the sheer intention of the sun. 


  Marfa, TX has a way of  seeping into your bones. It becomes part of your DNA. A place you have to return to in order to recharge. 

My bones

  My bones, an essay penned by Earth  In the vernacular of gravity Letters shaped in mineral ink Stained by the hands of time  In my body is a hidden text of mountains Punctuated by thunder, lightning and sea salt  Untamed  How clever to ensconce me within the skull, a captive audience  A reader who has become the page


In my bones, desert dust  Sweeping winds cleansing the plains  Wide open, vast  Deep within my marrow ghosts reside  Secrets buried  Fractured memories of roaming warriors  Screams piercing the endless canyons  Echoes  Of wounds unable to heal  Articulations  Flesh torn from bone  Like thieves in the night  Ripping away centuries of ceremony in seconds Robbed  A carcass of past existence  Left rotted and wasted  By the seduction of greed  Head bowed  Silently decomposing  My bones return to desert dust  My soul returns as rain  Muddying the massacre  Blurring history  A water-colored dream  Life is a circle  Life is a circle