All The Earth Is A Grave

 weren’t even out of the woods 

Before the arrows pierced my back 

Searing through my flesh 

Splintered ribs 

Collapsed lung 

Had such high hopes for us 

And here I am now gasping for existence 

Stubborn as ever 

I refused to expire in such a foreign terrain 

Hallucinated to the desert 

And let the dirt seal my wounds 

I healed from the inside out

Buried beneath the sands 

Centuries passed 

Until I rose 

 the great Phoenix 

A new  life 

New breath 

New form 

Pestilential dust once flesh and bone 

Rising from my wings to reintroduce me 

Yet my scars remained to teach me 

That perfection is not the desire 

Survival is 

I conjured up rain 

clouds pregnant with deluge 

Emptied their contents 

Onto parched earth 

In an instant the entire landscape morphed 

I opened my mouth 

Wet my throat 

Gave life to my lungs again 

Akin to a sponge 

Absorbing the change in my form 

Raised my hands to the sky 

As thunder poured out of my palms 

Lightning placidly falling to earth 

Evaporating haste 

Until only peace remained 


Surrendering to no one 

All the earth is a grave 

But you don’t have to stay buried 


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