Chasing Wild Horses

 Loving you 

Like chasing wild horses 

I can see your tracks ahead in the distance 

Taunting me 

While all I get is desert dust 

Suffocating my lungs 

Achy, tired legs 

Too fatigued to carry on 

This longing to throw my arms around your neck

Met with bucking and screams for freedom 

Yet you circle back 

Wanting the love that escapes in pursuit of you 

Free spirits roam the desert 

Secretly wishing to be petted 

But not be tamed 

It’s a feathery dance 

One of wanting to be loved 

And another part an exigency to run 

Like a witch in the desert 

Begging you to come to me 

Conjuring your love 

Casting spells at the heavens

Falling on the desert like rain  

Incantations of unrequited love 

Vibrate the arid ground beneath my spirit

If I could melt your heart 

We’d never be apart 

I cry out into an empty, glacial vastness 

Levitating above this desert tundra 

I tread tirelessly in pursuit of someone 

I may never acquire 

I’ll exhaust  my power until it is no more 

Lying like dust again on this desert floor 


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