
Showing posts from November, 2021


  When I was submerged   The River fed me   Like an umbilical cord  It was my life line  I was forming under the earth  Through magma and eruptions  The ground quaked with my arrival  Tectonic is my nature  She split open and gave birth to me My lungs filled with air  My first exhalation changed the atmosphere  The constellations communicated with me  Secrets unfolded  Guiding me  As though I’ve always known the path  Moving on and on through the sky  And catapulting back to the arid earth  With enlightenment comes the knowledge  That we are boundless  Boundless as the sands  Boundless as the heavens  We pass through this world  Pass through galaxies  Time is the greatest illusion  It is a trap  a perilous tomb  In my next life  I hope to escape it 


  Laying here in my bed   In my house  Desperately wanting to go home  That means something different to each of us  They say home is where the heart is  But for me it’s where my spirit roams  Where I feel most alive  For me it’s the dirt in the desert  The mountains sleep on their sides like giants  Oblivious to the passage of time  Time is irrelevant  From dust to dust  Cyclical  Layers of learning  Each time you return you have more to start with Each time you are closer to finding who you are  As your bones crumble beneath the earth  Realizations reach your soul  Epiphanies  Symphonies  Singing you back into existence  Sines from above  Healing your heart  When I was young I felt immortal  Now I know I am  With my face to the sun  I’ll come back again and again  Until there is nothing left to learn  In essence, forever  So forever my heart will dance  On warm desert winds  I’ll flow through the planet  Sending love  Supplying light   Amaranthine