Beneath Cobalt Blue Skies (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i got caught up in the heat of summer
i got swept away in thoughts of you
the music pulsing through me
moving me
making it all come alive
like the glorious soundtrack to a fantastic life
the sun beat down on my face
you lit up my night
nothing better
and when you held my hand
you also had my heart
felt it in my heartbeat
felt awe for the first time
for something other than my own reflection
you wounded my narcissism
you set my soul free
beneath cobalt blue skies
and crystal clear aquamarine water
we swam to our own beat
my skin on fire with your touch
a craving
i had an appetite for your love
in those lazy, hot days we flourished
New Orleans in all her beauty just fed our lust
the dripping moss above us
the ancient streets beneath us
we danced
we loved
the summer breeze pouring in from the River
giving a hint of relief from the blistering sun
everytime i look out from Jackson Square i can feel your touch
and it refreshes me


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