
Showing posts from August, 2014

My Blood (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your words spread like fire through my soul through my veins you sought to wound me fatal like each syllable nailed me to a cross of your own building but my sins aren't yours to forgive not yours to recognize not yours to punish you tried to hold me under now hear my thunder as i roar back into action reaction and i won't say a word i'll walk on the peace i've found means more to me than getting even i wish you well the best in fact i hope that someday when you close your eyes you hear silence instead of those many voices that torment you and send you seeking blood as you sail into my past i smile i survived i broke the chains on me after all the blood i lost with you i'm born a new a new man my future lies in my hands and what i put out i receive so as i close my eyes i wish for you angels peace a reprieve from what you've been trapped in a bird may sing in its cage but once free its echo carries out through the universe

Own It (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it's yours know it own it you uncovered something in me that lay dormant for eons fossils of what i used to be an imprint who i was before negativity and hurt changed me but you found the frozen image of me and you breathed new life into me so i am an open book when i look into your eyes i see beyond them i see into your soul and your hand falls into mine like home and your words fall on me like rain until i'm soaked sexy and smart own it i'm glad you're as into it as i am let's own it

A Weighted Heart: Beneath You Sink (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

well i tried and i tried even loved you through the darkness when you obsessed over the addict and my how you've fallen fallen so far and so fast like an anchor is tied to you i think the anchor is still him and it will never be ok never be ok the way he treats you never sit well with his disregard of you so nightly you plunge into a sea of alcohol desperately trying to drown him out you drown you're drowning full to the gills with wine it's getting harder to breathe harder to wake up harder to remember the things you say to the ones who love  you act a lot like him in your careless disregard you're taking it all too far you've taken it all too far my arms are tired from holding you up my mind only wants to remember how it used to be but it is not that anymore and the muck you accept is nowhere i can live so i am giving up on you it's time to save myself not sure who's sicker for holding on to something that's so long gon

Be My Geologist (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like a geologist you excavate me trying to find pieces of me pieces worth keeping and for that i'm grateful these pieces of the Rocky Mountains sit on my bedside table like treasures tiny particles of the enormity of what those mountains are and i feel the power in those rocks the power of the Creator i feel the energy they emit there's magic in the mountains i know God resides there in the quiet the beauty the strength so go on and gather those parts of me that shine for you i can relate i smile as my hand grazes the rocks at my side because i know i've been there i know what i've felt there their language speaks to me to be one with the mountain you must relinquish your control let go of who you are perceptions fall away and finally when you close your eyes you feel them you feel the way they vibrate you see the patterns you see the color differences the texture like God's breath left their shapes out of the crevices they rose and

Floating (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the ice is thinning out my feet searching for safe ground i can barely breathe when your arms let go of me my whole world has changed floating i watch as you sail away but i have faith that you'll return i'm there in the water to find you and it washes over me baptized i swim through the fluid of my dreams where you touch me endlessly i could drown in your smile like the moon to the earth i satellite you your magnetic field causing waves in my heart can't you see? while i was working to change myself i let you in and you changed me

The Old Man and The Mountain (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Like the mountainside before me I've survived a blaze a furious fire you can see my scars where change was forced on me But they only encounter my surface Underneath I've been made formidable by my faith and I know that stars shine above me and the sun sets beneath me quiet still calmly i greet each day from season to season i may appear different because you only see what's on the outside but place your hand on me and you'll feel my solidity cobalt blue framing me storms may hide me for a moment but i'm not movable my faith solid the old man and the mountain one