A Weighted Heart: Beneath You Sink (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

well i tried and i tried
even loved you through the darkness
when you obsessed over the addict
and my how you've fallen
fallen so far and so fast
like an anchor is tied to you
i think the anchor is still him
and it will never be ok
never be ok the way he treats you
never sit well with his disregard of you
so nightly you plunge into a sea of alcohol
desperately trying to drown him out
you drown
you're drowning
full to the gills with wine
it's getting harder to breathe
harder to wake up
harder to remember the things you say to the ones who love 

you act a lot like him
in your careless disregard
you're taking it all too far
you've taken it all too far
my arms are tired from holding you up
my mind only wants to remember how it used to be
but it is not that anymore
and the muck you accept is nowhere i can live
so i am giving up on you
it's time to save myself
not sure who's sicker for holding on
to something that's so long gone
i close my eyes and i pray
pray that rock bottom for you is somewhat padded when you hit but it's not something i want to witness
i have a catalog of photographs
i will revisit when it was fun when i need a smile
you were the star in my sky
but the cloud cover is too dark right now to see clearly
i wish for you to recover
and i hope our paths cross again
when your heart is again full of love
and not suffocating on hate 


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