My Blood (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your words spread like fire
through my soul
through my veins
you sought to wound me
like each syllable nailed me to a cross
of your own building
but my sins aren't yours to forgive
not yours to recognize
not yours to punish
you tried to hold me under
now hear my thunder
as i roar back into action
and i won't say a word
i'll walk on
the peace i've found
means more to me than getting even
i wish you well
the best in fact
i hope that someday when you close your eyes
you hear silence
instead of those many voices that torment you
and send you seeking blood
as you sail into my past
i smile
i survived
i broke the chains on me
after all the blood i lost with you
i'm born a new
a new man
my future lies in my hands
and what i put out i receive
so as i close my eyes
i wish for you angels
a reprieve from what you've been trapped in
a bird may sing in its cage
but once free
its echo carries out through the universe


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