Be My Geologist (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like a geologist
you excavate me
trying to find pieces of me
pieces worth keeping
and for that i'm grateful
these pieces of the Rocky Mountains
sit on my bedside table like treasures
tiny particles of the enormity of what those mountains are
and i feel the power in those rocks
the power of the Creator
i feel the energy they emit
there's magic in the mountains
i know God resides there
in the quiet
the beauty
the strength
so go on and gather those parts of me that shine for you
i can relate
i smile as my hand grazes the rocks at my side
because i know i've been there
i know what i've felt there
their language speaks to me
to be one with the mountain
you must relinquish your control
let go of who you are
perceptions fall away
and finally when you close your eyes you feel them
you feel the way they vibrate
you see the patterns
you see the color differences
the texture
like God's breath left their shapes
out of the crevices they rose
and there's hope there
a magic
a peace
so i will be your mountain
and you can be my geologist
uncover my beauty
and treasure what i mean to you
i'm familiar with that


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