
I miss the big open sky, an ocean above the arid desert 
Turbulent turquoise blue
shredded cotton ball clouds 
Dust devils 
Swirling, disturbing the desert sand 
Pale, bleached landscape 
Tan. Amber. Burnt orange. Brown. Black. White
Explosive sunsets igniting with orange and 
Cooling to lavender 
Renewing sunrises bathed in golden light 
There’s something hypnotic about the desert 
The profile of immense mountains in the foreground 
sleeping giants, undisturbed 
Time is just a concept 
The only reality here is the weather 
It’s miraculous 
Drought. Flash floods. Hail. Snow. 
Relentless forces 
Punishing all in their wake 
Yet the land takes it all in grace 
There are lessons here 
Ancient tales 
You just have to listen 
They’re carried in the wind 
Buried in the sand 
They fly above with hawks 
And slither below with sidewinders 
They bring you back to where you need to be 
Restore your faith 
For me the desert is transformative 
It’s a bath for my parched spirit 
A wasteland where God wasted nothing 
Inexplicable beauty 
Marfa, you run through my veins 
Fill my lungs 
Dictate my dreams 
I’m captivated 
The high desert: home 


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