Matches for Marfa

I’ve got my matches in hand 
Ready to strike 
I’m the only architect of my fate
And I know I have to burn it all down 
To rise from the ashes 
The call of the Wild West beckons to me 
Its dusty spirit haunts my dreams 
I have a cowboy soul 
I’ve always known 
I ride through this life lonely 
For a place I’ve never known 
But I found it in the golden light 
It bathed me 
Illuminating my path 
Becoming clear that this place is my home 
I belong 
Belong to the west 
To the desert 
The winds 
The bleached landscape 
We are one 
The air fills my lungs 
Its morning light rejuvenates my tired soul 
I’ve ached and I’ve longed 
To go where I belong 
Trying foolishly my whole life to fit in 
But I need to stand out 
I need to be alone 
To have conversations with the buffalo and the  dirt and the sun 
The Light of the Creator shines there 
The realm between heaven and earth is thinner there 
I’ve got to fix what is broken in me 
Marfa, you get me 
You got me 
With one whiff of sulfa it all goes up in the flame 
None of us should ever stay the same 


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