Seasons In The Desert

Never wanted you to leave 
But glad that you’re gone 
It led to this song 
About heartaches 
And earthquakes 
Tectonic plates 
Shattered my heart 
Yet catapulted me to new heights 
Strange new land 
Foreign to me 
At first it felt barren 
That was when I danced  in shadows 
Next came the afterglow 
A new life 
An expanded version of myself 
The land adopted a new look 
Ever evolving with my mood 
Now it feels full 
It became my new home 
I dance in the sunlight now 
Stealing moments to find who I really am 
My legs are stronger having carried me through
My heart, more open despite being shut down
My spirit is free to roam 
You see I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name 
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
The sunrises, they’re mine 
I relish in the sunsets 
What we had was atmospheric 
Your love, the drought that desolated the dry plains of my heart 
That’s the state I was in when you abandoned me
Dust and ash filled my lungs 
But I licked my wounds like any good lion 
And the self love that followed was precipitous 
Flooded my being 
Rushed into my life 
Dismantled many of my past beliefs 
I found seasons in the desert 
I bloomed 
Then I fell silent 
I thundered 
Then I snowed 
With each changing era 
I ripened 
Until it all made sense to me  
Came back to my nature 
My own center of gravity 
Life is a circle 
You come back to what you know is truth 
You led me back to me 


  1. I lost my son 12/27/17 34 & husband 7/5/19 62 after a long illness with early on-set dementia. When I lost my son I died also. It has been a long journey of unbelievable grief, discovery & a new me. Thank you for sharing your story.


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