In This Place (reborn)

 Out here in the desert 

Searching for treasures beneath the sand

Suddenly it hits me while I’m digging 

That the treasure’s already in my hand 

As my sepia tears

Cascade down my face 

They make mud of the dust on my face 

And it’s in this place 

I find solace 

And in this place 

I make a promise 

To always be on the same side of me 

He smiles with his eyes of blue 

I come unglued 

Forgetting about the past

Those times weren’t meant to last 

And it’s in this place 

I soar above 

And in this place 

I find the love 

Lacking for so long 

Deep within myself 

Ocotillos bloom 

Sparrows fly 

And the only thing I care about is the sky 

Clouds of white 

Skies so blue 

And all I want to do 

Is just spend this time with you 

And it’s in this place 

I feel  His grace

And in this place 

Sun shines on my face 

High desert realizations 


Of the hard work I’ve put in 

In trying to be my own best friend 

So when the thunder threatens from above

I’m reminded of the love

And it’s in this place 

I feel found 

And in this place 

I touch the ground 

Sacred and true 

Like Apache I ride 

Through life 

My head held high 

And it’s in this place 

That once was the sea 

And in this place 

I bury me 

To begin anew 

To be the me I always knew 


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