Devil Wind

 The devil wind 

Blowing in 

Swept you across the surface of my heart 

Stole my hat 

Never getting nothing back 

Deserted in the desert 

Just a face full of dust 

In this blistering sun 

And a heart full of ache 

A regretful stance 

Head cocked back 

Guess I’m grateful you’re in my rearview 


My only friends 

Prickly and dry 

We have commonalities 

Fuck this town

And fuck love 

Both have driven me to the brink 

Drunken madness 

A galaxy above this earthen  hell 

The stars blanket me in the cold night 

Pins of light 

Pierce through bleak  darkness 

Hope evades me 

What protects me? 

Perhaps blind faith 

Illuminating my path 

Unforeseen saviors 

Sometimes lead us out of destruction

A hell of my own doings 

A fuckery I must now accept 


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