Midnights and Storms

 My mind is a museum 

Of things I’d rather forget 

Your touch 




It’s been an especially scorching summer 

Mercury rises 

Gives way to fever dreams 

And I’d go back there I guess 

But I wouldn’t belong there anymore 

No longer feel whole 

You took so much 

And the void in me 

Is a ribbon of loneliness 

I’m learning to dance with 

Not in the glare of the mid day sun 

But in the soft shadows of midnight 

My pain cloaked in streetlight glow 

My feet traverse cobblestones 

One wrong move 

And my bones could crush 

The exquisite pain

Of loving someone so unlovable 

It’s like a death sentence 

This waiting 

Waiting for you to grow up 



So that I can see you as perfect again 

Perhaps that’s my fatal flaw 

Seeing what could be 

What should be 

And being mauled over when it can’t be realized 

I retreat into the comfort of the dark 

To play out the fantasy of perfect love 

My music 



They fill my lungs with air 

Allow my head to clear from the fog 

That is created each time I recall you 

You were the air

But I was the heat 

Not sure which of us destroyed the other 

I guess it’s not a competition anymore 

I just hope I make it to the finish line 

Of forgetting you 

In the meantime I’ll have 

Midnights and storms 


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