
 Dark bars 

Emotional scars 

That led to your blood 

Dancing across my denim shirt 

Your life hung in the balance 

Scale tips from left to right 

Could leave you only wounded 

Could also snuff out your light 

Feeling haggard and worn 

Used and discarded 

You drug me down a road I never liked 

Kicking and Screaming all the way 

If you couldn’t read it in my eyes 

That was hurt you left me sitting with 

Sat long enough that hurt turned to hate 

And now I watch you fade away 

Drops of your blood on my face

Wearing that bitch like war paint 

I’m a rider 

Not a dier 

And that shit you put me through 

Will fade away 

Make my exit through that swinging door 

As I listen to your gargle 

Whether you live or you die 

No longer my concern 

You fucked with my heart 

Hope you got your lesson learned 

As I ride off into this Marfa night 

The smile on my face is not erasable 

The feeling of revenge not escapable 

So I say a prayer 

Gets carried in the wind 

If we ever meet again 

I pray you keep your distance 

And that you offer repentance 

Cuz I mean business 

Out in this high desert 

A witch and a rider 

Guised as a cowboy 

Draw my strength from the ground below 

Gun in my hand 

Kickin’ up sand 

Would take more than what you got 

So shoot your shot 

I’m gone 

And you’re just standing in my breeze 

Bitch please 


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