This Desert is my JAM

 Ridin’ that desert wind 

Bars and bottles 

My only friends 

This inescapable lonesome existence 

Wears on my soul 

Like saddle leather 

Toughened by the sun 

Worn by the wear 

What’s mean to be 

Will always prevail 

I tell myself 

As I gallop off in faith 

This desert taught me how to trust myself 

Get back up

Shake the dust off myself 

Shooters and looters 

Cowboys and clowns 

Each one playing a role 

In my rodeo 

I tug at the pendant 

Wear it close to my heart 

If there’s one still there 

I feel it beats for you 

This far west Texas sky 

Stretches on forever 

I keep riding those sunsets 

Hoping one leads back to you 

This land is my home 

It’s the reason I roam 

Back into town again and again 


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