Wearing Blanket

 Drape this weaving over my shoulders 

In hopes of keeping back the cold 

Which has the power to silence me 

Directional crosses 

Guide me to the Four Corners 

Leading back to my ancestral home 

This land is your land 

This land is my land 

In a perfect world 

We walk hand in hand 

Crescendo of colors 



Wedged together 

Deep intentions 

The past has a way of carrying on 

It’s now your story to tell 

Weaving us together 

Mending a troubled past 

Light bathes the present 

We’ve moved through the darkness 

To stand here 

A wearing blanket 

bringing it all to the surface 

A beautiful dance 

As the wind ruffles the tassels 

I feel my ancestors’ prayers 

Falling to earth as rain drops 

Giving birth to a future 

Full of hope and pride 

Bow my head to the South 

Rising up any residual negativity 

Imbue it with this frequency 

Peace begins inside of me 

A swell of love unleashed 


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