Destination Unknown

 Dancing with the ghost of us 

Drunk on grief 

Late summer night 

Under a fluorescent moon 

You rode into my life on the winds of fate 

Lassoed my heart 

Awakening my love 

With no intention of loving me back 

So all I have left 

Is memory 

Sepia Ghosts 

To dance with on this heartbreakingly dark night 

Mist twirls through the air

Softening my rage 

Into deep melancholy 

Your memory 

Driving circles around me 

Trapped in the glow of the tail lights 

You left without warning 

Desserted me out in the desert 

To wander alone 

Wondering “what if’s” 

They threatened to echo through my 

Bereft brain 

Until i realized that the magic I feel on nights like this is of my own making 

This earth I trod 

Full of those who came before me 

I feed off of their strength 

Til I can stand on my own 

The only way I know is forward 

Destination unknown 


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