
Showing posts from March, 2014

I Just Deserved A Little More (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

i have 4 good reasons to never go back there again but curiosity lures this Lion in can what's been broken mend? can we find that magic again? i came to you with open arms and an exposed heart your actions ripped it away and tore it apart your words hurt yet i love you through it all 40 years has taught me that it's more about how you feel about yourself than how you see me i'm a mirror of what you don't like about yourself of what makes you uncomfortable and my heart is at war wanting to stay and needing to run i want to survive there are things that i deserve that you're not offering as much good as i see in you twice as much bad shadows it still i want nothing more than to come back home and find you there but my head knows better than my heart this war drags on and it has taken its toll on me i feel older like the happiness just slipped away from us and i'm standing in the storm all alone soaking wet by the torrential rain of your d

Jennifer Chehardy: Superhero (by James Leland Ludeau from Lafayette,LA)

i saw her as a superhero when i first met her this tanned, muscled blond goddess a woman short in stature but huge in presence and i got to know her and i saw the beauty on the outside was nothing in comparison to what lay beneath her skin wise and kind divine someone to respect and over the years i've watched her blossom transform and all that she's accomplished she's earned and as i work on my on physical being i appreciate hers even more i thought it was simple back then i had no idea how many hours it took the will the determination and discipline to be strong and at the same time not fall into the trap where your outside is your only worth that balance of body and mind is hard to find she's more than that superhero to me now she's my friend and times have changed us but i still see her cape trailing behind her when we meet she's rescued my soul time and time again Jennifer Chehardy

No Sweat, No Glory (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i watch as the sweat from my brow hits the floor beneath me and it vaporizes heat steam transformation my body moves i watch as it resists the weights a glorious dance of growth hurt leads to beauty struggle brings you to happiness fit strong with music in my ears and desire in my heart this gym becomes my church breath concentration will in the moment i feel free blessed like i'm shedding demons past lives fall away i'm carving out who i want to be it takes work it's hard no sweat, no glory and i'm thankful to have this this struggle that is shaping me changing me i look around and appreciate the people around me working toward their own goals there's magic in this place like i'm baptized by my own sweat i taste the salt of it a change in my chemistry a desire to continue to win to never give up never give in

You're No Siren in The Sea (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i fell for your smile into a world unknown your words created a persona you couldn't live up to facade your attempt at perfection led to rejection i've never liked anything perfectly never fit into molds can't be held down so i dusted my shoulder off and i continued my dance and the texts and the the posts won't lure me back you're no siren in the sea i'm no foolish sailor won't crash won't sink the seas may be rough i may be tossed from side to side i may get a little wet along the way but i'll get where i'm going even if i don't know where that is exactly for right the direction i'm heading in is perfect for me away from you my course set keep your social disease someone weaker than i will come along and fall right into your gorgeous trap and you can eat their soul in your attempt to stay young and relevant

Into The Blue (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

my body moves it aches this break in my stride as i ride the wave of your love traveled down the road that grew so lonely until i met your smile and my whole world began to spin loudly madly my back up against the wall i had to choose a life of complete freedom or a life of shared experiences so i kissed you goodnight and i jumped into the blue can't be captured can't be tamed won't be enraptured won't be shamed the love i have is for who i am i can't live in a shadow my light must shine these memories i can't erase i'm filled with pride of everything i left behind don't need nobody to rescue me i sleep well at night not waiting up for no miracle i jump and dive into the blue hold my breath and fall into the unknown to be reborn where i'm at in life i have nothing to lose

TimeBomb (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

like a ticking timebomb set to explode implode this love draws me in fast time is slipping through my hands the rhythm of your love my heartbeat why don't you move your body to my body before we disappear dancing spinning out of control swirling lust like glitter in the dark sparks we are on a timebomb before the night is gone let's do it right now come on move your body show your beauty to me dance for me don't make me wait i don't know how much time is left we're on a timebomb we won't last long and when we least expect it we will explode into a fantastic vapor so make this moment count love me like it's the last day of our lives survive capture this love and move to the rhythm let your heart guide you let your hands provide you all this love waits for you like a timebomb throbbing