You're No Siren in The Sea (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i fell for your smile
into a world unknown
your words created a persona you couldn't live up to
your attempt at perfection
led to rejection
i've never liked anything perfectly
never fit into molds
can't be held down
so i dusted my shoulder off
and i continued my dance
and the texts and the the posts won't lure me back
you're no siren in the sea
i'm no foolish sailor
won't crash
won't sink
the seas may be rough
i may be tossed from side to side
i may get a little wet along the way
but i'll get where i'm going
even if i don't know where that is exactly
for right the direction i'm heading in is perfect for me
away from you
my course set
keep your social disease
someone weaker than i will come along
and fall right into your gorgeous trap
and you can eat their soul in your attempt to stay young and relevant


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