I Just Deserved A Little More (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

i have 4 good reasons to never go back there again
but curiosity lures this Lion in
can what's been broken mend?
can we find that magic again?
i came to you with open arms and an exposed heart
your actions ripped it away and tore it apart
your words hurt
yet i love you through it all
40 years has taught me that it's more about how you feel about yourself
than how you see me
i'm a mirror of what you don't like about yourself
of what makes you uncomfortable
and my heart is at war
wanting to stay
and needing to run
i want to survive
there are things that i deserve that you're not offering
as much good as i see in you
twice as much bad shadows it
still i want nothing more than to come back home and find you there
but my head knows better than my heart
this war drags on
and it has taken its toll on me
i feel older
like the happiness just slipped away from us
and i'm standing in the storm all alone
soaking wet by the torrential rain of your disregard for me
i saw the clouds coming
but foolishly thought i could outshine them with my light
i don't want to feel this way any more
less than
i don't want to feel it
i just want to go away
and search for drier land
i'll always think of you
my love for you was unlike any other i've known
so pure
i just deserved a little more


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