As We Go Separate Ways (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

You love me
Heavily and deeply
But tear yourself apart

As if mine is an unhealthy love
and you're binge eating on my heart

Our worlds collide
Our egos crash
But our love is strong

As if to say through space and time
you'll be with me whether right or wrong

Oh this love
It's a song
And its melody sweet

But I long for a deeper love
not one stuck on repeat

So i center my soul
let the peace take hold

I'll hold my breath and dive into the deep, dark unknown
At first crying from the loss of you
like a death for my heart

But quickly realizing
we were always better apart

So i breathe and i chant
and i find my strength again

To stand on my legs
a new life to begin

The peace sets in

I've given up the antics of old
no longer amused
by dramatic displays

I wish you peace and fulfillment
As we go separate ways

To have and not to hold
so hot yet so cold

You lose in the end what you've struggled to keep
don't weep

Our love is tale of joy and then loss
of joy and suffering
of paying the cost

Separate ways
lead to better days

Looking back with a joy in my heart
of before and after we had to part 


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