
Showing posts from December, 2014

A Symphony of Feelings: In The Midnight of My Imagination (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Our love brought me to heaven then you watched me fall fell out of love such a long way down was down on my knees alone in the dark through darkness and despair almost felt beyond repair a symphony of feelings set my heart back into motion hurt, strength devotion, humility love, trust desire, joy i found what i needed to get me through a dark night of my soul a journey literally through hell now i'm born again figured out only faith would lift me back up now i am back on my feet dancing to the beat that grows from inside my soul forgiven and forgotten i walk alone in peace faith calling me home lifting me up love basked in the midnight of my imagination never imagined i could love and accept myself at one point i was so lost in being what i thought you needed me to be i've embraced my flaws healed my scars i can now be my own fire when all the lights go out

Messiah (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Messiah or Pariah save me? entomb me? your spell cast can it last breathe a new breath into my lungs will i wake up anew? i won't get to the end of my days saying i wasn't amazed crazed by my love for you the flame flickers will you wake up to find that you love me too? is the best we can do? tattered and torn we led wicked lives until we found each other you, the day i, the night a fight with all of our might to grow like a vine covering a fence sometimes squeezing the air out of the room around us we do this dance in the dark with your words you cut me down the middle you fuck me up a little but you come back with arms open hoping that i'll lay back in them and in my mind i already have so what if my body just follows suit? you can win the fight i'll take the war i'll wear the scar this living for love heaven above hell below what's left to show? when you give your all and you free fall into the abyss unable to resis

Run (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

love you in a way that weighs me down at times takes me down a path not of self discovery but self loss lost sight of who i was i bled into you we become one and my soul suffered i don't wanna talk about it but i have to  just hold me while i cry my eyes out promised to protect me if i showed you my weakness but what i need protecting from most is you you're my poison breathing my last breath barefooted across my own grave and i've always had a fascination with destruction breaking down what does that say about me? if i closed my eyes, would you catch me now? can we recover from this? or do we die a beautiful death? is this the end? because i am the kinda guy who does greatly with ends i love beginning again so lift me up or tear me down but know in my head i wear the crown King of my own castle a warrior of love a soldier for respect you can fight with me or fight me you choose i can dance around like a ballerina or i can fight like a n

The Devil May Pray (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i think somewhere along the way the devil had to pray not to keep my soul he played the role of savior my behavior certainly deserved of being cast into hell but he cast a spell knowing damn well that i belonged with the angels in the ether the unknown was meant to be my home the stars in the sky the answers to why it all appears in my head sometimes black sometimes red don't know why but i'm attracted to the dark knowing i'm a spark that could set this whole world ablaze living my days like each one could be my last seeing past what others judge me for sometimes stumbled tumbled but i dust myself off and adjust my crown back on my head my story's not written not over there's something to say when you make the devil pray got something special within my soul could i escape all harm if i just laid here in your arms could i cast a spell that you can't undo could i make you love me too teach me how to pray i'm on my knees tha

The Mountain of Your Being (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your mouth opens words pour out serpents fall out aural sex burning my ears your words drip down my body like honey sweetening me sticky sweet and seductively addictive i'm bound desire hangs in the air like smoke and i am sucking it all into my lungs i exhale you i inhale us our fingers laced together this is how it all begins this love quiet like a fire consuming all in its path no warning combustion sparking up my heart are you the devil? or are you an angel? aren't they one in the same? either way i'm willing this highwire i walk dangling trying to balance myself certain death or incredible pleasure being my fate i find myself wanting to take risks again so my words like a fog wrap around the mountain of your being wishing to seduce hoping to capture falling gently on your warm skin like snowflakes 'tis the season wanna melt?