Slashed (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

and i feel you
like my flank has been slashed
your sword sharp
a hot pain
i feel faint
but i know i must make it out of this darkness
this struggle
this fight
the fight we all have
teetering over hell
while reaching for heaven
the angels and demons
the thirst for something real
it moves my feet
carries my soul
what started as a drunken haze
has grown into something i want to surrender to
your aura is red
you found the kink in my armor
stabbed me when i wasn't looking at anything but your eyes
didn't know any better
and now i'm at a place where i could still walk away
but i won't
i can't give up on this
the fight i've had in my heart my whole life
it lead me to this moment
and the angels slay their harps
while the demons lap at my feet
feels so good
sounds like heaven
i'm not sure which one to give into
i only know i can't give up
this is what i've been living for


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