
Showing posts from February, 2015

Justify My Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i look at your pictures and i feel like Jesus on the cross i'd give you everything i have i'd give it all up for you the perfect representation of my fantasies in human form and i want to drink you like wine until you stain my lips your hips let's writhe intertwined wanting, waiting, needing yearning, burning for you to justify my love to make this shit real lay your heart out on the table for my consumption be at my disposal talk to me i wanna know your stories i wanna know your fears i wanna be in your dreams naked exposed raw i'm not afraid of who you are like birds, let's fly so high on this ride two souls on a search looking for love exploring unconditional territory let's make something immortal on the floor against the wall in a bathroom stall calm and innocent filthy and dirty let's make love until we wear it out strip each other down the core bite my lips ride my hips in love in anger in rage no cage to

Oh Freedom (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

freedom Oh Freedom over me i feel it in my bones "before i'll be a slave i'll be buried in my grave" these words i heard as a child shaped me i didn't believe anyone deserved to be treated as less than i found it ridiculous that we had to fight to free women, then blacks, and now gays created equal isn't that what we are told? but not what we see practiced freedom it's something we all deserve as children of God fuck the mockers the bullies the preachy folk until you have had to march for your rights you do not recognize how important to you they are how essential they are how much you will sacrifice for them how far you will go to achieve them our nation has a very dark history that needs to be shined some light upon we killed off the people that rightfully owned this land we imported people that we declared had no worth to work as slaves to feed the greed of our growth a war divided us a war still divides us so much of it is

Matador (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

cut me down the middle fucked me up a little i tried to give you everything played my part of the stage but you wanted all the praise like you'd deserved it you acted as if i was no longer needed my words drew them in and you took the bow stole the credit you didn't earn snatched my crown but i dwelled there long enough and i'm here to say that i'm back, bitches Heartbreak City you can have that mess i'm best when i'm standing on my own two feet saying what i want doing what i want i'll take the credit as i earn it was never one to operate in the shadows i'm a seeker of the Light i'll draw them back in show them what i'm about show them this dance of love and seduction this artistry of love this wicked fight like a matador i'm suited up for battle my sword in tow ready for the applause as i slay the bull of my ego and let everyone witness it bleed out a river of crimson pride

Catholic Guilt (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

incense fills the air heavy heads bowed in prayer sacred i feel the connection to who i once was still believe in some of what was shoved down my throat doctrines that didn't make sense dogmas that ridiculed never uncoded no equality how was i supposed to focus on my faith in a world only ruled by penile codes? where sex and murder could both buy your way into hell? i wasn't taught the most important lesson of all the signature gospel of Christ Love Thy Neighbor that includes everyone Jesus didn't die for your sins so that you could treat anyone as less than our collective guilt crucified Him He didn't select who His blood saved it saves each of us even the priests who prey on the young they are forgiven too for they are only men who are lifted upon pedestals and then slain when they give into their desires so i sought a new path i closed my eyes and i took a deep breath i was quiet my intent was peace for everyone no rules no judgment

the King of Hearts (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Our love turned dark and cold the sky began to fall the end of it all a civilization in ruin apocalyptic love full of evil and hurt fought your rage wise as a sage but i couldn't smudge it away couldn't save our day the lies grew like vines around my heart tearing its chambers apart with thorns forewarned by friends who were foes one never knows until you look back the attack left me navigating in a world so dark i swore i was blinded it's post apocalyptic now not sure how to pick up the pieces of my heart they're so far apart so lost and so cold sold for a penny on the dollar my work unrecognized will the sun ever shine? now that you're no longer mine into his arms you fled once the wound you created bled ripped open and mangled entangled strangled by a grey sky full of ash survived the crash suffocating in soot like Pompeii i lay in ruin strewn my beautiful scars evident will be others entertainment for history mystery

A Love I Couldn't Endure (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

In love we took risks turns and twists i slit my wrists i slowly bled a river of red angels fell out of heaven when we fell out of love their tears poured down like rain from the dark skies above your words like poisoned arrows penetrated my heart and once united we slowly crumbled apart like Pompeii i'm covered in our ash from a love that couldn't last that blast so strong it knocked out my light despite my might i was failed to win couldn't piece us together again full of shame and regret i can't forget falling for your lie a tear from my eye evaporates into the air surrounding me clearly, my head bowed this path i've plowed of a love gone wrong i sing this song and angels weep i sink beneath the deep carried away on an ocean of loss the cost i paid i've prayed that i make it through this moment and see the sun shine once again no lover no friend it feels like an end darkened skies the angels' cries too weak to fly my