Justify My Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i look at your pictures
and i feel like Jesus on the cross
i'd give you everything i have
i'd give it all up for you
the perfect representation of my fantasies in human form
and i want to drink you like wine
until you stain my lips
your hips
let's writhe
wanting, waiting, needing
yearning, burning
for you to justify my love
to make this shit real
lay your heart out on the table
for my consumption
be at my disposal
talk to me
i wanna know your stories
i wanna know your fears
i wanna be in your dreams
i'm not afraid of who you are
like birds, let's fly
so high
on this ride
two souls on a search
looking for love
unconditional territory
let's make something immortal
on the floor
against the wall
in a bathroom stall
calm and innocent
filthy and dirty
let's make love until we wear it out
strip each other down the core
bite my lips
ride my hips
in love
in anger
in rage
no cage
to contain this passion
let's run wild
like a train in the night
let's carry each other
next level
your eyes look into me
like the enormous cavity of existence i am
i want to give you the love i've never felt myself
because i've learned to love myself
i've justified my love
now it's your turn
open up to me
own up to me
be your own creature
while being mine as well
free but taken
unrestrained but claimed
this is how i want our love to be


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