Oh Freedom (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Oh Freedom
over me
i feel it in my bones
"before i'll be a slave
i'll be buried in my grave"
these words i heard as a child shaped me
i didn't believe anyone deserved to be treated as less than
i found it ridiculous that we had to fight to free women, then blacks, and now gays
created equal
isn't that what we are told?
but not what we see practiced
it's something we all deserve
as children of God
fuck the mockers
the bullies
the preachy folk
until you have had to march for your rights
you do not recognize how important to you they are
how essential they are
how much you will sacrifice for them
how far you will go to achieve them
our nation has a very dark history
that needs to be shined some light upon
we killed off the people that rightfully owned this land
we imported people that we declared had no worth
to work as slaves to feed the greed of our growth
a war divided us
a war still divides us
so much of it is lies
but like a dog
i will not eat the vomit that i've produced
my disbelief
heightened by what i've learned on my own
this country shall not be great
until we are all treated the same
must happen
let that fucker ring
oh freedom
it is hanging over my head


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