the King of Hearts (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Our love turned dark and cold
the sky began to fall
the end of it all
a civilization in ruin
apocalyptic love
full of evil and hurt
fought your rage
wise as a sage
but i couldn't smudge it away
couldn't save our day
the lies grew like vines around my heart
tearing its chambers apart
with thorns
by friends who were foes
one never knows
until you look back
the attack
left me navigating in a world so dark
i swore i was blinded
it's post apocalyptic now
not sure how
to pick up the pieces
of my heart
they're so far apart
so lost and so cold
for a penny on the dollar
my work unrecognized
will the sun ever shine?
now that you're no longer mine
into his arms you fled
once the wound you created bled
ripped open and mangled
by a grey sky full of ash
survived the crash
suffocating in soot
like Pompeii
i lay in ruin
my beautiful scars
will be others entertainment for history
my torture stamped into the earth around me
for all to witness
i bow my head and surrender
to this moment so tender
the last breath of a King
who once had it all
but was dumb enough to fall
for a Queen dressed as a Prince
the King of Hearts
fell apart
blanketed beneath his own undoing


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