Catholic Guilt (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

incense fills the air
heads bowed in prayer
i feel the connection to who i once was
still believe in some of what was shoved down my throat
doctrines that didn't make sense
dogmas that ridiculed
never uncoded
no equality
how was i supposed to focus on my faith
in a world only ruled by penile codes?
where sex and murder could both buy your way into hell?
i wasn't taught the most important lesson of all
the signature gospel of Christ
Love Thy Neighbor
that includes everyone
Jesus didn't die for your sins
so that you could treat anyone as less than
our collective guilt crucified Him
He didn't select who His blood saved
it saves each of us
even the priests who prey on the young
they are forgiven too
for they are only men
who are lifted upon pedestals
and then slain when they give into their desires
so i sought a new path
i closed my eyes
and i took a deep breath
i was quiet
my intent was peace
for everyone
no rules
no judgment
no sacrificial lambs
no blood on my hands
and it changed me
rearranged my DNA
i feel like a vessel for peace and understanding
i found my strength in giving to the weak
our connection
we are all one
and with a few seconds of meditation
my Catholic guilt died
it was a weight i no longer needed


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