
Showing posts from 2019

Inside Me



I miss the big open sky, an ocean above the arid desert  Turbulent turquoise blue shredded cotton ball clouds  Tumbleweed Windswept  Dust devils  Swirling, disturbing the desert sand  Pale, bleached landscape  Tan. Amber. Burnt orange. Brown. Black. White Explosive sunsets igniting with orange and  Cooling to lavender  Renewing sunrises bathed in golden light  There’s something hypnotic about the desert  The profile of immense mountains in the foreground  sleeping giants, undisturbed  Time is just a concept  The only reality here is the weather  It’s miraculous  Drought. Flash floods. Hail. Snow.  Relentless forces  Punishing all in their wake  Yet the land takes it all in grace  There are lessons here  Ancient tales  You just have to listen  They’re carried in the wind  Buried in the sand  They fly above with hawks  And slither below with sidewinders  They bring you back to where you need to be  Restore your faith  For me

Seasons In The Desert

Never wanted you to leave  But glad that you’re gone  It led to this song  About heartaches  And earthquakes  Tectonic plates  Shattered my heart  Yet catapulted me to new heights  Strange new land  Foreign to me  At first it felt barren  Isolated  Alone  That was when I danced    in shadows  Next came the afterglow  A new life  An expanded version of myself  The land adopted a new look  Ever evolving with my mood  Now it feels full  Accessible  Inhabited  It became my new home  I dance in the sunlight now  Stealing moments to find who I really am  My legs are stronger having carried me through My heart, more open despite being shut down My spirit is free to roam  You see I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name  It felt good to be out of the rain In the desert you can remember your name 'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain The sunrises, they’re mine  I relish in the sunsets  What we h

Matches for Marfa

I’ve got my matches in hand  Ready to strike  I’m the only architect of my fate And I know I have to burn it all down  To rise from the ashes  New  Changed  Different  The call of the Wild West beckons to me  Its dusty spirit haunts my dreams  I have a cowboy soul  I’ve always known  I ride through this life lonely  Lonesome  For a place I’ve never known  But I found it in the golden light  It bathed me  Transcendental  Illuminating my path  Becoming clear that this place is my home  I belong  Belong to the west  To the desert  The winds  The bleached landscape  We are one  The air fills my lungs  Its morning light rejuvenates my tired soul  I’ve ached and I’ve longed  To go where I belong  Trying foolishly my whole life to fit in  But I need to stand out  I need to be alone  To have conversations with the buffalo and the    dirt and the sun  The Light of the Creator shines there  The realm between heaven and earth

Ghosts I Knew

In the wind blew  Ghosts I knew  To disturb the dust of my comfort  Kicked up  Stirred  I wish you would come pick me up  Take me out  Fuck me up  Steal my records  Fuck all my friends  They’re all full of shit  With a smile on your face  Then do it all again  This longing  To do anything  To run  Burn it all down  Tear it all apart  These ghosts live deep inside of me  Times and people  Things that fucked me in the head  Things that fucked me in my bed  Equally haunting  Leaves me feeling spent and dirty  Covered in shame  Like mud  A gritty muck that sticks to my soul  Thick and disconcerting  Dancing for rain that never falls  Until my boots are worn thin like my patience  Just Empty skies  Just Empty cries  Above  Below  Hell if I know  Just ghosts frozen in place  Can never take your place  And you know you want someone back  When you’d be willing to even take just the hurt It hurt  Your leaving  Th

West Tisbury

This is the place that I found myself  Beneath the waves  Breathing underwater  Waiting  For that moment  When I knew enough  To be reborn  (West Tisbury)

Heaven Shines

There are places on earth that heaven shines

A Touch Of Grace

Sometimes I despair  Sometimes I have hope  Sometimes I don’t know  This life  Hard to navigate  Hard to know  Hard to grow  Trying to forgive myself  Trying to forgive you  Trying to move forward  Wanting to explore this world  Wanting to explore my head  Wanting to release the past Sometimes I feel happy  Sometimes I feel sad  Sometimes I feel nothing  And I just want to dance And I just want to move  And I just want my groove back  Want to shout it from the mountain top Want to plunge into the depths of the sea  Want to keep it all for me  This moment of joy  This moment of dance  This moment of connection  What’s it all for  What’s it all mean  What’s it all seem  A dream  A feeling  A deeper meaning  I want to fly above  I want to dive beneath  I want to get underneath  Kiss me in the sunset  Kiss me in the rain  Kiss me just to relieve this pain  Have you ever been to the land  Where you can find yoursel

A New Groove

Thought the pain was love  Prayed that it would change for me somehow From hurt to joy  Down on my knees  my God look at me  Asking for the Divine to deliver  The love I didn’t even have for myself  Didn’t realize I was losing my identity  Trying to be what you needed from me  Just needed someone to teach me how to love  When I did not even love myself  You broke my bones  shattered my spirit  It wasn’t love at all  Just possession for you  A doll on the shelf  A man on mute  Something you were proud to own  But never willing to appreciate  And all I wanted was love like I’d never known  What I found was incredible isolation  Indelible damnation  Trapped in a prison of my own creation  Sacrificed for you  Thinking what I had was solid  You slipped through my fingers like liquid  My love was only hope  And even that evaporated  Darkest of days  I sank  I sank  But I swam  Gasping for air  Bobbing helplessly in a sea of h