Whole; A Horse Running Free

Tryin’ to force me into a corner 
I won’t go 
Tryin’ change what I have to say 
Cuz you don’t know 
What I’ve been through 
What I have seen 
Got my own story to tell 
And you can spit it or swallow it 
You know damn well 
Started in hell 
A parent-less child 
Broken smile 
Made my way through the maze 
Balanced between hurt and anger 
But with a strong desire to blaze on 
Got my craze on 
Small town opinions tried to hold me down 
Learned to ignore them 
(Bunch of background noise) 
Sang my own choir 
Wrote my own opera 
Moved to a beat that brought me up then down
Thought love was something outside of me 
Equated worth with sexual attraction 
Drained my energy on men that weren’t worth the sacrifice 
Still pushing forward 
Yearning and aching for understanding 
Found it in brief reprieves 
Let it fall on me like rain 
But it never lasted 
Like a desert I was barren 
The drumbeat my heartbeat 
My search went on 
Found it in prayer 
Bent my knee to ask forgiveness 
For sins I didn’t feel guilty of 
An empath 
Soaking up the energy around me 
My feet still moving forward 
Stumbled unknowingly into silence 
Then I heard the voices 
My voice 
The voice of God 
The voices from the past 
Begging me to release them 
I sat with my anger long enough to learn 
That its real name was hurt 
Swam through that revelation 
Sun shining on my face 
Feeling that surge growing 
That what I found was my truth
My center of gravity 
No longer shooketh 
The pride of generations run with me 
They run through me 
And I’m still like a wild horse  
Only now I run free 
When you try to trap me with your sugar 
I’m smarter now 
Can toss my mane to the wind 
Free to roam with my thundering footsteps 
Drowning out what you think of me 
Always has more to do with you 
Free of that social disease 
To please 
Don’t try to change my narrative 
I’ll grow louder 
Know that if you try to wrangle me in 
To make me more palatable 
I’ll turn away in disgust 
Anyone who won’t let me be me 
All I can be 
This is how I’m made 
Smarter and unconcerned 
Unconventional seeking unconditional 
And if it never finds me 
At least I’ll run free 
I became the parent I needed 
The friend that I sought 
Not caught 
In the cycle of loving and losing 
Put my face to the sun 
Fought so hard to get where I am 


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