No Longer Raining On My Parade (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Sought refuge
Let my past fall like leaves from a tree
Shed who I was
I deal with things in a different way now
Things roll off my back
I'm not attached to opinions
Like assholes they can be ugly and everyone has one
Won't let what you think dictate my movements
No puppet
Won't hold me down
I've found my place in the sun
My core is unshakable
And those things in the past didn't kill me
So I'm  proverbially stronger
No longer play the victim
I write my destiny
And faith leads me to learn and grow
Leave behind what doesn't build me up
Something will eventually take me out
But it won't be you
You don't have the power
I can meditate shit away
Let it float away
Like clouds
No longer raining on my parade


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