Pyche (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

our love was like entering death for me
like Psyche and Cupid's our story unfolded
twists and turns
i'll never be the same
we both played the role of Psyche
beautiful but flawed
not possessing of love
we both tried to be Cupid
armed with poison arrows
looking for a vulnerable moment to prey on
i got caught up in the enjoyment of the pedestal you put me on
and your arrow tore through my heart
struck down by poison
it ripped through my flesh
it pinned me down
it consumed me
Zephyr carrying me to a new destination
unaware that your dark powers originated in revenge
cursed by the gods
you came to me in the dark
i could not see your face
but i liked the way it felt
i sought to reveal your true identity
and you ran from me
leaving Worry and Sadness to whip me
presented with challenges during my journey to win you back
my intention was self harm
but the divine let me back to you
and i overcame the obstacles
i was rewarded with you by my side
now your arrows no longer sting
they no longer hurt
and i'm bound by my love for you


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