His Love Dissolved My Chains (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

beneath the summer sun
begins my story of freedom
in the middle of the noise of a maddening crowd
he whispered to me
and i knew that his love would free me from the cage i was trapped in
the door was swung open
and i was free again to exercise my wings
his fear, i guess, was that i'd fly away
but i didn't
it's a funny thing about freedom
once you realize you have the choice
you can stop the fighting
and i circled back to him
landed firmly on his arm
that's where he wore my love
on his arm
an arm like the trunk of a tree
i had always been a wild creature
a rebel
rebellious shell
traditional core
and it took someone like him to accept me for what and who i am
he was wise enough to know
that if you love something wild
and you trust in its goodness
that it will remain
i will always think of that summer as the summer he freed me of myself
and i am grateful
his love dissolved my chains


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