We Should All Have Our Stones Taken Away (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

stand up
stand up for what
for what you believe in
for what you feel
for what you know to be true
for what's true for you
we are all one
and it's easy to forget that
it's not about color
not about who you love
not about what you do
we all live in glass houses
we should all have our stones taken away
spread love
erase hate
hold someone's hand
feel that energy
feel it tingle through your spine
it's there for a reason
it's love
it binds us
it's what we seek
it's what we run from
it's where we run to
it's simple
love yourself
figure it out
celebrate what you are
and love your neighbor
we all fall
we all fall short
we are all flawed
instead of judgment
over Light
spread it
LOVE you


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