Words I Couldn't Say (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

I see a beautiful, gifted soul trapped in a troubled mind
when i look at you
I wish that i could help you like yourself more
I wish i could loan you some self respect
Prove to you that love is all you need
As i look back on my life i see that at times i treated people the way you've treated me
And i see with clarity that it was at moments that i hated myself
Because my real strength in this life is to inspire
To uplift
To love
As i contemplate your potential i wish you peace of mind
I hope that you grow into what i know you could be
we are all children of God
we all struggle
we all deal with demons
So i'll pray that you have the strength to endure your tribulations
And if you ever need me i'll extend my hand
Thank you for teaching me
Everything in life does if you let it


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