That Adele Song (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

As the bullet left the barrel of my gun
i thought, "God, do i really want to do this?"
"It's so permanent and I've always had issues with commitment."
But it was too late
the bullet was on its way
his fate decided
and as it tore into his scalp
it splintered his bone
shattered his flesh
it made a mess bigger than we ever were
"what an absolute metaphor for our relationship." I thought
as a smile bigger than Texas owned the muscles of my face
it was a gorgeous mess
some of his blood splashed across my cheek
i'd just shot my lover in the head
and as i stared at the abyss that the bullet left
i thought, "Je ne regrette rien."
he deserved it
my room in hell is booked with this deed
i'm almost certain
and if i see this bitch in hell i'm gonna shoot him in the head again
because i want to see him die over and over and over
he always thought i was the weaker
but it's me who is still standing
as the corpse of this asshole lies on the floor
helplessly draining itself of O Positive blood
It's funny how many thoughts run through your head in one second
at a time like this
i used to think, "Someday you'll be sorry." when he'd hit me
now i'm certain i'm not
not sorry
the only regret i have is that i wore my favorite jeans today
and now this mother fucker is all stained on them
i guess i will always have a piece of him next to me
his DNA
i stepped over his legs to see if his eyes were closed
he only had the right one left
"ain't that some shit" i thought
he looked good in red
looking good was never his problem
being good was
now he was good and dead
i'd diminished myself long enough
swallowed my light
and in this moment i felt resolved
and just as i thought it was done
i heard one huge sigh come from his body
this happens sometimes when people die
i think it's their soul exiting their body
i hoped his would wander forever
i couldn't stay here anymore
the metallic smell of his blood nauseated me
i bent down and kissed his cold lips
then i kicked his face with my Tom Ford boots
i grabbed my belongings and exited
and thought "we couldn't have two drivers on the clutch"
as i left the scene of my crime
i sped away in the charcoal night
i felt saved
i stuck my hand in my pocket and rubbed my rosary for luck
"Jesus help me out of this" i cried out
and He did i think
because suddenly i was steered back to the scene i'd just left
i siphoned gas our of my tank into an empty bottle of Jack
i dumped it on his lifeless body
i smoke a Marlboro
even though i don't smoke
the nicotine entered my bloodstream
making me feel more alive
focused on the task at hand
the smoke entered and exited my lungs
and with each breath i felt reborn
like i had a chance to do it all over
without him
a weight lifted from my soul
the end of our love was violent
and as i flicked my cigarette onto the pile of his flesh on the floor
flames swallowed whatever was left
burned this fucker down
to the ground
"sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
the lyrics of that Adele song played in my head
i'd heard it a million times
i only needed to live it once


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