Magnificent (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i played with fire
until the fire played with me
the wild horses in my mind
trampled through my dreams
setting my soul alight
it's not that i don't believe in love
i wonder if it believes in me
at the moment of surrender
i fall upon my knees
an exhausted animal that has blindly run its course
kicking up chaos like dust covering those i've left behind
never thinking that there was any reason to live but to run
i did not notice the passersby
and they did not notice me
my mane flowing in the wind
my feet hit the ground like thunder
and what i was fleeing was inevitably myself
i ran to every end of this earth
went through the moments i had to like stations of the cross
until i came to my moment of surrender
i bowed my sweaty head and let you slip your rope around my neck
i tasted of the sugar in your hand
and i knew i had found where i needed to be
safe and protected
fenced in but still free
you'll never break this fucking wild spirit i have
just accept that i'm this magnificent crazy creature
and i have chosen to run through your yard
come to your call


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