Wrecking Ball (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

oil and water we were
"opposites attract" or so they say
polar opposites
one full of Light
the other covered in Darkness
you stood there like a solid brick wall, refusing to give in
I swung in like a wrecking ball
wanting so badly to smash through
to wreck what you thought you were
i saw something beneath it
i just wanted you to let me in
but instead of love i tried to use force
and i started a war
i loved you so
i swung and hit as hard as i could
trying with all of my might
yet you resisted my Light
covered in the dust of your concrete heart
being crashed into by my love
until one day, one brick cracked
i continued thrashing your facade
slowly your foundation crumbled
the walls around your heart caved under the pressure of my care for you
all i wanted was for you to let me in
and you did
all i wanted to do was break your walls
and it's crazy what love makes you believe you can do
while i was so fixated on crashing through your rock solid walls
you bent me into a far more caring man than i ever thought imaginable


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