To My 6 Year Old Self...(by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

At 40, looking back on my childhood
remembering a photo of me in the autumn leaves with my puppy
i feel nostalgic
If i could speak to my past self (at the age of 6)
I'd say "dude. just wait. it's going to rock."
I'd look into his brown eyes full of pain a kid should never have to carry
and i'd say "hold on. you're acquiring the tools and strength you need to change the world around you."
I'd hug him
I remember those days
I felt alone
and it hurts my feelings to look at that picture
that little boy didn't deserve what he had to deal with
But as a man, as a man he kicks ass
the hurt is finally absolving
and transforming into gratitude
to survive 40 years of turmoil takes strength
that little boy was much much stronger than he ever knew


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