The Opponent (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

in the ring
fighting for my life
against the ropes
bloodied and battered
blindly swinging my arms just to stay on my feet
and he says "let me take some of the punches for you tonight"
as i feel a fist crash into my ribs
knocking the wind out of me
and i collapse onto the mat
blood flying out of my nostrils
i feel like a crazed bull
my spirit unbroken
i choke on the taste of my own blood
i get back up
who is this enemy that is so strong?
my eyes too swollen to focus
i gather enough resolve to crawl
and in a moment i'm back on my feet
i'm swaying
i have an opera in me
he's the reason i sing
i feel the electric blow hit my jaw
i come to
someone with a cold rag is wiping my face
and i'm determined
back on my feet
i punch and i flail
i kick and i scream and i cry
with all of my might i grab his throat
i wrap my hands around his neck
i squeeze
i feel his pulse through his jugular vein
he gasps for breath
and he's down on the mat
10, 9, 8, 7, 6....
5, 4, 3 , 2,....
i've won
i grab his helmet and rip it off
he's me
i'm the opponent 
my ego lays on the mat lifeless
now maybe i'll find some peace


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