
Showing posts from October, 2014

Zebra Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

our skin piled on top of each other chocolate and alabaster zebra my inhibitions gone away i'm a sex machine wind me up and watch what i can do the world tries to constrain me refrain me from what i can be fuck 'em  is my new motto i feel like i've won the lotto with this one the sun seems dim next to him he lights me up corrupt erupt so this is what sex feels like when you break through your race  face to face lust envelopes this place sex lingers in the air i care what he feels what he craves i watched 12 Years A Slave and i know i'd have no part in keeping us apart mirror mirror on the wall who's the baddest of them all us he and i i'll try as hard as i can to keep him around i've found the one who almost got away

United (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it's time to unite to fight for the right to love who we love shove what they think in the corner somewhere away from care as we lay in this bed our skin intertwined i realize we look like a zebra your smooth chocolate skin against my alabaster skin how could this be wrong? how could it be seen as so? we've put men on the moon an American lives on every continent on this planet how can we can we not be tolerant? our words don't have to divide they don't have to hide the love inside of us that will grow if we show that words like lights  in the night glow ignite our right to love one another without boundaries across the seas let's hold hands and unite it's our right one world one love one word whoever you believe created you it's all the same we are supposed to treat each other the way we want to be treated not defeated my voice rises through disguises it's all about love above me you blend in with me be that someo

Cigarettes and Fishnets (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i lay spilled across this cold floor please don't say you're sorry i'm in full control of myself and beneath closed doors and curtained off windows i live partaking of cigarettes in my fishnets the drag drags through my nose and ignites my lungs is this what it feels like for a girl? in this world? in your world? do i have to hide it? the weakness i feel when you see me like this yet the strength it gives me find what you love and let it kill you they say i've found it and i stand in front of the mirror and admire my thighs i find it funny that you wouldn't is it the cigarettes? or the fishnets? what scares you baby? never seen a dick in stockings before? do you wanna explore? is that what you're so afraid of? that you'd throw words and stones at me in public i have a dick between my legs but my mind is full of pussy and it sets off something in you like a revolver it shoots holes in your brain gender bending sinning just t

Only Love Can Leave Such A Mark (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i see ghosts in all that we do i've grown so used to you it's haunting this feeling in my head this touch on my skin sin beneath love we fall prey victims to a love we share i fight so hard to still be me you laugh Magnificent that's how it feels on our first go 'round you broke my heart but i learned that only love can break your heart only you can crack this foolishness and leave my heart black and blue Only love can leave such a mark and i'm full of scars

He Chose Cocaine Over Me (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

lay your little heart in my hands i'll glue it's shattered bits back together and piece a love together no one's ever died from tears dry your eyes i'm here to hold the pain away and in your eyes a flame glows you set my whole world on fire with one look tears on your pillows just might teach you how to love again i know the hurt i know the way it crushes how it evaporates how it seizes your breath feels like it will never diminish he chose cocaine over me i understand he lost me and i was so lost for a while but those tears built strength and i stand before you a man more capable to love with a capacity that is not able to be measured no one has ever died from love so let me put you back together let me breathe new life into your heart be my treasure make it worth the wait

Sparks (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

my tongue found that spot on your lower back i felt the electricity the moment we made contact there's nothing delicate about the way we love you pull on me i push you explosive we light up the dark like sparks this fire burns inside i live my life to watch your lips as your sleep so sweet and plump and pink and in my mind i'm always biting on your bottom lip and pulling pain beauty desire i watch as you wrap your hands in tape and your movements as your box like a dance and i am mesmerized as the sweat falls down the small of your back leaving your waistband damp you leave me with a smile on my face and dirty thoughts in my head prowess resistance yeah, this love is like a battle but one where you win even if you lose i feel the humidity of your breath on my neck and suddenly nothing else compare what else is there?

Kissed By Judas (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i kissed Judas in the garden fell into his gorgeous trap betrayed slayed he left me bleeding and alone on the brink of death gasping for air i think i died a spiritual death that night in the Garden of Gethsemane the crown of thorns dug deeply i sacrificed who i was to love him and i knew that his grasp was cold i knew it would kill me in the end but i sought the danger i lay on the ground licking my wounds if anyone would resurrect me it would be me my resurrection better than any erection i slowly came back to life been lied to and beat down i had nothing left to lose but my faith and it never faltered i could be strong again without him scars would be my story my glory that i rose when it was assumed i was dead and forgotten i was hung but not on a cross and when i licked my wounds could you taste it? did you enjoy it? watching me flogged metaphorically? whipped until i couldn't stand what part of you got pleasure in my pain?

Xtactic Process: My Take (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i'm not myself when you're around not myself at all not sure of where i'm supposed to be searched so long for you placed all my bets on you couldn't lose wanted so much to be loved by you wished i could find someone as beautiful as you but in the process i forgot that i was special too idolized you made you more than a man talent and beauty and intelligence i was sold the whole package but unaware that i was the whole package myself i conformed when you didn't even ask didn't realize that love doesn't divide brought my baggage along for the ride not sure of who i was only that i wanted to be someone you wanted insecure i had to give that all up i had to equal up you taught me how to love love you and love myself realized along the way that it's the only way to be flaws and all masculine and feminine at the same time smart and sexy confident and kind there is room to be all love is freeing it's a freedom until it becom

How How Are The Stakes? (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it's part of the game risking shame to get to where you want to be you'll see times that you sail and times when you fail you take each as the come the sum of these experiences create your life love and strife you succeed and wear your crown then fall down then like Humpty Dumpty you're back again riding in the saddle enjoying your win what they think of you doesn't matter at all for you rise and you fall so is the ebb and flow of a life worth living giving taking mistaking forsaking it all happens as it should all good no bad to be had like a horse in its stable i'm able to rest up for the next ride the tide rolls in, rolls out whispers and shouts to succeed you must fail hated then haled exhaled flow out, flow in fail, win how high are the stakes? for heavens sakes for the rise we risk it all and dust off if we fall for the strong, you see, we never fail we just chase our holy grail our moment in the sun after it's wo

Michelle Delise (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

she melts the street beneath her feet the look in her eye hot as July her hair flowing free the only way to be she's a beauty her duty to make you laugh til you cry she ain't shy she'll show her ass as fast as her feelings her dealings have more to to with the mind she's kind she'll unwind and let it all go to show you how simple it should be free her spirit her soul she's not under your control she's often my refuge, the place i run she keeps me dancing til dawn chasing fun

I'm An Independent Mother Fucking Soul (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

while you attempt to define me i'll refine me you can't confine me i'll break free i'll be the me i want to be you'll see i have strong wings to carry me away from the shit you throw my way i duck and roll slip out of your control i'm an independent mother fucking soul with my prayer beads in hand and incense in the air i breathe away the things you care deep breath in deep breath out i'm not about to let you steal my peace i'll release those thoughts you think i should think shrink back into my Buddha stance no chance of reforming me no conforming me it's just not in my blood i've got a rebel heart and free ass soul never gonna do what i'm told won't be sold a story that isn't mine my shrine my own spot where i make it all disappear sheer bliss joy and harmony swarming me lighting my way through the dark

I Love You (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i find myself in your bed again like a spiderweb caught as your sink your fangs in and that old poison travels through my circulatory system again paralyzing me and you put on this display you blow back  into my life and you spin your web knowing and it's futile for me to resist and secretly i smile i love this feeling i enjoy the dance the capture you've always had a strange way of saying "I Love You"

5 Minutes With You (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the leaves fall in a display of orange and gold and red the air is crisp this longing in my heart grows as i head to meet you for coffee this love that just won't give up the ghost like 4th of July in my heart explosions 5 minutes with you and suddenly i am 23 again you touch my leg and those old feelings are alive again sparks shoot down my spine the love of my life no doubt about it i'm sure and as we leave the coffee shop i witness it beginning again

Hope Never Dies (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

flashbacks and echoes i still see it all in my head letting go in pieces but never completely lips i'll never forget summer nights that caught my soul on fire consumed by you before i had a choice to backout i was already in the freefall and i'm still falling still loving you even though it's officially over those brown eyes looking into them so deep like a tempest of emotions and the way the morning light changed them to hazel i was young and dumb and i had no idea what i had no clue of the men we'd grow into lust complicated love but the love lingers on me like fog around a mountain unclear hard to navigate should i call? should i pick up the phone and tell you how i feel? or should i feed my soul with the memories we created? i sit in a chair looking out at the rain falling on the city beneath me and i wonder what you're thinking right now and wonder if sometimes you miss me a text comes and that old dimply smile emerges i simply

The Mountains (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i see God in the rocks i feel his presence in the layers in the vastness the enormity of the mountains i feel inspired i feel when i touch the surface of the rocks that i communicate with them that i have mountains in my veins i understand the language of the them how they sit there they command your silent respect they change day to day surrounded by the changing environment yet they themselves do not often change slowly they work their way out of the earth rising not in a rush to reveal their majesty they calm me i find peace when i'm up in them even though i fear heights i find pride in myself for being brave enough to go higher each time i visit them and i feel lucky because i feel closer to my Maker when i'm around mountains and it may sound absurd but the mountains teach me how I'd like to be a huge, humble refuge an entertainment for some a spiritual conquest for others the Rockies and i have much in common and i can't wait to return

Thank You, Ms Morissette (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

"well it's full speed baby in the wrong direction, baby" those words connected with me in 1996 i felt like a train speeding down a track that i didn't want to be on but i embraced the lessons as they came along sometimes they knocked me the fuck out sometimes they steered me to safer ground "please don't sensor your tears" i know now what that means vulnerability a raw desire to share with the world what you've seen to share what you've learned "what's the matter Mary Jane? tell me" Alanis Morissette sang to me and on many nights i fell asleep to her lyrics those words permeated my brain i felt like she did misunderstood she was begging someone to tell her what was wrong and all these years later i'm ready to confess what i thought i knew was bullshit my arrogant youth my disregard for the feelings of others my insatiable need to be noticed all of it grew from my ego and i fed it for so long that even Al